Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Liked by Steve Kirsch

A plastic garbage bag with duct tape sealing it around the neck is proven to stop all virus transmission.

Perhaps we can setup a test group for this consisting of her, Hocul, Psaki, Witmer, counterterrorism c**t Kayyem, & The DOJ/FBI?

I'd include Biden, but he's already brain dead.

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Yes. Sara Cody has a thing-or-two to learn about PPE. A chat with Stephen Petty would also be enlightening.

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Missing you Steve. Haven’t had any substack emails from you. Hoping all is okay.

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I never wore masks and tried to disobey as much of "rules" as possible

, and I did not get sick, but for a common cold. I took vit. D, Z, and C immediately if I started to get flu symptoms like a sore throat. For me, taking DZC solved all my problems; I felt much much better within 24 hours, and by day three, was great!

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

Steve, do you know anything about the current discussion (if any) on California Assembly Bill 1993 (aka AB1993, from the 2021-22 legislative session)? AB1993 is entitled "Employment: COVID-19 vaccination requirements." It was apparently introduced 2/10/22 by an Oakland Democrat, named Buffy Wicks. (See bill information here - https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1993). It looks like (from the info under the "Status" tab), that the bill "[m]ay be heard in committee March 13."

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